Saturday, October 15, 2011

Terlalu Lama Browsing Internet Picu Obesitas

Jika Anda berencana untuk mengurangi berat badan, sebaiknya kurangi kebiasaan menghabiskan waktu dengan internet. Sebuah studi di Australia menyebutkan bahwa orang yang banyak menghabiskan waktunya dengan internet berisiko terkena obesitas.

Dalam Journal of Medical Internet, peneliti melakukan survei terhadap 2.650 orang dewasa di Australia tentang aktivitas fisik, internet, main game komputer, membaca, menonton dan kegiatan lainnya yang dilakukan selama responden berada dalam waktu luang. Penelitian tersebut untuk melihat bagaimana hubungan aktivitas tersebut dengan obesitas.

Peneliti pun mencoba fokus dan membandingkan 2 aktivitas utama, yaitu internet dan aktivitas fisik (olahraga, jalan kaki). Kedua aktivitas itu terbagi dalam kategori tidk pernah, jarang (kurang dari 3 jam tiap minggu) dan tinggi (lebih dari 3 jam tiap minggu).

Hasil survei pun menunjukkan bahwa mereka yang sering menggunakan internet dan komputer ternyata 1,5 hingga 2 kali lebih gemuk dibanding mereka yang tidak pernah berhadapan dengan komputer.

"Sebenarnya internet yang menyebabkan kelebihan berat badan atau kebanyakan orang gemuk lebih sering menggunakan internet? Yang pasti, studi ini menunjukkan bahwa internet dan komputer menjadi salah satu penyebab obesitas. Membaca, nonton TV dan main game tidak akan membakar kalori," ujar Corneel Vandelanotte, Ph.D., peneliti dari Institute for Health and Social Science Research di Central Queensland University seperti dikutip dari Health.

Mereka yang lebih sering berhadapan dengan internet dan aplikasi lainnya di komputer cenderung malas bergerak dan lebih suka melakukan aktivitas tetap seperti membaca, menonton dan lainnya. Itulah yang menyebabkan obesitas, karena kalori yang masuk ke dalam tubuh tidak dikeluarkan atau terbakar dengan hanya diam di tempat.

Untuk mencegah para pengguna internet dan komputer menjadi obesitas, sebaiknya masukkan olahraga atau aktivitas fisik lainnya ke dalam jadwal rutin setiap hari. Coba berikan batasan waktu untuk aktivitas di depan komputer atau aktivitas tetap lainnya dan seimbangkan dengan aktivitas fisik.

Jenis Makanan yang Bisa Bikin Pria Sehat dan Perkasa

Dibandingkan wanita, pria mungkin lebih cuek terhadap makanan yang dikonsumsinya. Tapi makanan-makanan ini bisa membuat pria lebih sehat dan perkasa asal dikonsumsi dengan kadar yang wajar.

Jenis makanan apa saja yang dapat meningkatkan kesehatan pria?
1. Daging merah
Jika seorang pria menyukai makanan sejenis steak dan kentang, berarti dia beruntung. "Karena daging merah baik untuk pria," kata Leslie Bonci MPH, RD, seorang konsultan nutrisi.

Potongan daging sapi dan babi kaya dengan protein dan hanya memiliki sedikit lemak dibandingkan dengan daging dada ayam. Daging merah juga merupakan salah satu sumber terbaik dari leusin. Leusin adalah suatu asam amino yang membantu membangun otot.

2. Cherry
Jus Cherry dipercaya dapat meredakan nyeri otot. Pigmen yang terdapat pada cherry mempunyai efek menyerupai beberapa obat anti inflamasi, dan tentunya tidak ada efek samping.

3. Coklat
Coklat dapat memperbaiki aliran darah, jika dikonsumsi dengan tepat. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa, flavanol dalam dark coklat dapat mengurangi kadar kolesterol jahat, meningkatkan sirkulasi, dan menstabilkan tekanan darah.

Pria dengan aliran darah yang kurang baik, lebih memungkinkan untuk mengalami perkembangan yang mengarah pada disfungsi ereksi. Sehingga makanan yang baik bagi jantung juga dapat melindungi kehidupan seks juga.

Tetapi terlalu banyak coklat dapat menyebabkan penambahan berat badan. Beberapa ahli menyarankan untuk makan satu ons coklat sehari.

4. Kerang-kerangan
Kerang dan berbagai jenis makanan laut kaya akan zinc. Zinc sangat penting untuk jantung, otot, dan sistem reproduksi. Penelitian telah menghubungkan defisiensi zinc dengan kualitas sperma yang buruk dan ketidaksuburan pada pria.

Jika bukan termasuk penggemar makanan laut, jenis makanan lain yang dapat menjadi alternatif sebagai sumber zinc antara lain, kacang-kacangan dan biji-bijian.

5. Alpukat
Alpukat memang tinggi lemak, tetapi lemak tersebut adalah termasuk jenis lemak baik. Lemak tak jenuh tunggal ditemukan dalam alpukat.

Alpukat dapat digunakan untuk menurunkan tingkat kolesterol total dan kolesterol jahat (LDL), selama tidak lebih dari 25-35 persen dari kalori harian. Minyak zaitun dan kacang-kacangan juga mengandung lemak baik.

6. Lemak Ikan
Ikan berlemak, seperti salmon atau ikan pecak, adalah sumber yang sangat baik dari lemak sehat. Ikan-ikan tersebut mengandung asam lemak omega 3. Asam lemak omega 3 dapat mencegah penyakit jantung, beberapa jenis kanker, dan artritis.

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disarankan untuk mengonsumsi 2 porsi lemak ikan per minggu dapat menurunkan risiko kematian akibat penyakit jantung.

7. Jahe
Seperti cherry, jahe juga memiliki sifat anti inflamasi. Penelitian menunjukkan makan jahe secara teratur mungkin membantu mengurangi rasa sakit karena latihan fisik yang berhubungan dengan cedera otot.

8. Susu dan Yogurt
Susu dan yogurt adalah sumber dari leusin yakni asam amino yang membantu membangun otot. Yogurt juga mengandung protein, kalium, dan bakteri baik yang dapat menjaga kesehatan usus.

9. Pisang
Pisang merupakan sumber kalium. Kalium sangat penting untuk kontraksi otot dan kesehatan tulang. Kalium juga penting untuk menstabilkan tekanan darah. Bahkan, mendapatkan kalium yang cukup mungkin sama pentingnya dengan mengurangi sodium untuk menurunkan tekanan darah.

10. Pistachio
Kacang merupakan sumber protein, serat, dan zinc. Pistachio lebih menonjol daripada jenis kacang yang lain karena lebih tinggi sterol. Pistachio dapat membantu mengontrol berapa banyak makanan yang dikonsumsi.

11. Kacang Brazil
Kacang Brasil merupakan sumber selenium. Selenium dapat mencegah kanker prostat. Selenium juga memiliki manfaat kesehatan lainnya, yaitu membantu meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh dan meningkatkan fungsi tiroid yang sehat.

12. Saus tomat
Tomat kaya likopen, yang merupakan antioksidan kuat yang dapat melindungi terhadap beberapa kanker. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, pria yang makan saus tomat secara teratur lebih kecil kemungkinannya untuk terkena kanker prostat.

13. Kedelai dan olahannya
Menurut sebuah studi terhadap lebih dari 40 negara, makanan yang mungkin menawarkan perlindungan terkuat melawan kanker prostat adalah kedelai. Termasuk juga makanan hasil olahan kedelai, seperti tahu dan susu kedelai.

14. Campuran dari berbagai jenis sayuran
Sayuran yang dikemas dengan phytochemical, dapat meningkatkan kesehatan sel dan melindungi terhadap kanker. Ada berbagai jenis fitokimia, dan cara terbaik untuk mendapatkannya adalah dengan makan sayuran berwarna yang berbeda.

15. Sayuran berwarna oranye
Sayuran berwarna oranye merupakan sumber beta karoten, lutein, dan vitamin C.

Menurut sebuah studi yang telah diterbitkan dalam American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, nutrisi tersebut dapat menurunkan peluang untuk mengembangkan pembesaran prostat. Pilihan yang baik dari sayuran berwarna oranye termasuk paprika merah, wortel, labu, dan ubi jalar.

16. Sayuran berwarna hijau
Bayam dapat bermanfaat bagi mata serta prostat. Sayuran berwarna hijau kaya akan lutein dan zeaxanthin. Sayuran tersebut dapat melindungi diri terhadap katarak dan degenerasi makula terkait usia. Katarak merupakan penyakit mata kronis yang merusak penglihatan.

17. Kentang panggang
Kentang panggang sangat lezat dan mudah untuk dibuat. Kentang panggang juga sangat tinggi vitamin C, yang merupakan antioksidan yang bekerja melawan radikal bebas dalam tubuh. Sumber lain dari vitamin C, antara lain paprika hijau, kiwi, dan buah jeruk.

18. Telur
Telur memberikan lutein, protein, dan zat besi. Meskipun kuning telur merupakan sumber kolesterol, namun telur juga mengandung protein.

19. Sereal tinggi serat
Serat dapat meningkatkan kinerja tubuh. Serat juga membantu menjaga sistem pencernaan agar dapat berjalan lancar, dan bermanfaat untuk jantung juga.

20. Beras merah
Beras merah merupakan sumber serat. Jika tidak terlalu menyukai beras merah, dapat dicampurkan dengan sejumlah nasi putih. Telah terdapat bukti nyata bahwa beras merah dan makanan gandum dapat membantu mempertahankan berat badan yang sehat, sekaligus mengurangi risiko penyakit jantung dan diabetes tipe 2.

21. Berries
"Berries dapat membantu hubungan intim dengan pasangan secara mental maupun fisik," kata Bonci. Berries mengandung antioksidan yang dapat mengurangi risiko berbagai jenis kanker. Pada studi yang dilakukan pada hewan menunjukkan blueberry juga dapat meningkatkan memori dan fungsi otak.

22. Kopi
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, kopi dapat meningkatkan kewaspadaan, dan kopi biasanya hampir tidak mengandung kalori.

23. Fokus pada pilihan makanan sehat
Saat membuat perubahan untuk diet sehari-hari, disarankan untuk menambahkan makanan yang baik. Ketika telah terbiasa makan lebih banyak buah, sayuran, daging, dan biji-bijian. Makanan tersebut dapat untuk menggantikan beberapa pilihan makanan yang kurang sehat.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Constipation from Lack of Physical Activity ?

If constipated, stools are usually hard, dry, small in size, painful and difficult to expel. People who are constipated too often endure straining, bloating and a full bowel sensation. There are people who barely have a bowel motion in a day and thought they are constipated. It is best to note that normal bowel movement ranges from three times a day to a minimum of three times a week.

Bowel motion frequency depends from person to person. Also, constipation is a symptom and not a disease.Almost everyone gets to experience these symptoms at some point in their lives. Most constipation is temporary and not that serious but the negative effects can be serious. Understanding the cause of constipation may help anybody prevent experiencing such. For now, let's take focus on lack of physical activity as a cause of constipation.

Effective and Simple Sleeping Techniques With Herbal Remedy

Experts Tips On Sleeping Techniques
Do abdominal breathing as it helps in relaxing the body organs. Health experts say that when a person breathe through abdomen and puts all attention to breathing, it helps relaxing the body organs. This ultimately helps in falling asleep. Undoubtedly among other synthetic based sleeping supplements, breathing abdominally is simple yet effective technique.

Meditation works for sure. Health care providers, especially those who practice holistic medicine favor meditation over the medication. According to them, meditation is few of the potential and effective techniques in modern life. Meditation is the holistic tool using which the person can get flawless sleep at nights. There are many types of meditation and what suits to you is important to know before you adopt any of them. The yoga or meditation guru can help you out choosing the best sleeping techniques here.

Best Wellbeing Using Green Medicine for Green Living

Common medicine is necessary in many cases nevertheless it does have limitations. Regrettably, the two sides will not agree on how medicine should work. There are actually many testimonies that green medicine succeeds, even for the toughest of diseases. One difficulty converting people to using green medicine is that people have got to modify their lifestyle. For many individuals, it's easier to just take a pill than to change their less than appealing habits.

Living green is performed at three diverse levels: personal, local, and global. Men and women really need to choose healthy nutritious foods for their family menus. The green of our community maintains the environment in our residences and offices clean. Worldwide green is where everybody is attempting to protect the earth along with the soils, forests, and air. On a personal foundation, we should make use of natural supplementation to stay healthy. To successfully fight against disease and maintain health, everyone should take regular vitamins, minerals, and other crucial nutritional elements.

Monday, May 23, 2011

The CrossFit Insanity Workout

The creative thoughts behind the Insanity Workout come from a gentleman called Shaun T. The universe of online fitness know of Shaun T. previously. His Rocking Body and Hip Hop Abs exercise workouts were already trendy. Offline Shaun T is also very well identified. People such as Mariah Carey, Val Kilmer, and even the Elephant Man took dance and strength training from Shaun T. His enterprise clients includes Marc Jacobs, the LA Lakers, and Nike, along with other well-known companies. To say he is sure of his stuff is kind of an understatement.

The Insanity Workout DVD in fact presents the Max Interval Training workout agenda. In this exercise you get only brief rests in between intervals where you work as hard as you can for as long as you can stand it. Conventional interval work is not at all the same since it includes only small periods of near-maximum intensity and much more time spent on moderate intensity exercise. By way of this routine you find out for yourself the amount and intensity of exercise you can do each day. Fitness training will be mixed with plyometrics and cardiovascular exercise in each individual program. In the course of each exercise you move from one of these exercises to the next each time you're able, resting barely long enough to recuperate to the point where you can set out again.

Avoid Injury While CrossFit Exercise

If your gym does not offer the CrossFit foam padding wrap, wrap a few towels around the bar. Pullups are a great way to get that v taper we all strive for however when doing pullups, sometimes your skin can get pinched. In the future, grip the bar at the point where your fingers and palm meet. Doing so will reduce impact. We all want to be Manny Pacquiao, but we don't want to end up with bloody knuckles trying to be him. When you hit the heavy bag, hit hard but less for shorter periods of time. This will allow you to build up a tolerance. For example if you hit the heavy bag for five minutes at a time with half of your strength, try going full strength for two minutes. Wasn't Andre Agassi one of the coolest people ever to play tennis? He made me want to play the sport. Playing tennis can result in blisters especially for new players. Usually this occurs from gripping your racket way too hard. Working out should make your body better, not damage it. Read on to find out six ways to avoid these common injuries. Some of us have dreams of being the next Michael Phelps.

Relaxing your grip will increase your racket speed and help you avoid blisters. CrossFit and Deadlifts are an important lift in improving overall strength. One reason people hesitate to do these is that scraping your shin when deadlifting can be a painful experience. Proper form can help you prevent this. Position your shoulders in front of the bar. Your shoulder blades should be directly over the bar. This will help you avoid scraping your skin up on your shins.

The Best Natural CrossFit Exercises

That is why CrossFit experts insist that you simply assist fitness exercises with sufficient food, in order to have power and maintain the metabolic process going.

In the event you learn the ABC of diet and fitness, you should don't have any difficulties converting your excess weight reduction diet in to a life style, because this ought to be the regular outcome of any weight reduction plan. For people who are afflicted by advanced obesity, diet and bodily CrossFit exercises might not be sufficient. Exactly the same concern holds accurate for those who are afflicted by EMOTIONAL Eating. What this means is that you simply eat to make up for a few frustrations that you simply possess: whether you're feeling despondent or stressed, you're likely to binge.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Indonesian Therapeutic Old Ginger

Old Ginger, Tuber Healer Lever
Absolutely no ask yourself, due to the fact his / her present pattern is often a natural remedies, the employment of regular facilities because medication. Through blending along carbohydrates in addition to turmeric grow plants, in addition to brewed by using difficulties could create a feel involving its.

Community Central Java ordinarily present  this  particular botanical herb to help kids who seem to restless people, presumably because of the organic ginger can certainly boost desire for food. Old Ginger consists of unstable oils which might be delicious foodstuff, maintaining that abdominal in addition to assist in nursing a baby.

Absolutely no ask yourself, because of the chemical substance arrangement connected with ginger rhizome is a starch regarding 29-30 percent protein, someone to not one but two per cent curcumin in addition to oil little bit coming from HALF A DOZEN that will 15 percentage.

Deep Breaths for Natural Health

Have you ever notice how a baby breathe? If you observe a baby in sleeping, you will find that babies always take deep breaths. Normally their breathing is slow and the stomach raise when they inhale and flatten when they exhale. We also call it stomach breathing. In the contract, almost all adults breathe only by their lungs, or we call it normal breathing. In normal breathing, only 1/3 of our lungs are filled with fresh air. The other 2/3 is "recycled" air. Through deep breaths, we can increase the oxygen level in our blood. Since we know that the cell with less oxygen is less active and this leads to aging. When we taking deep breaths, oxygen level increase, aging process is delayed.

The way of breathing is also important in meditation. This is the reason why. Human brains are always emitting low frequency electromagnetic wave; it is also named as brain wave. There is a branch of science that recoding and researching the brain wave. So far, brain wave can be divided into 6 stages; Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Mu. The one stage which we need to know here is alpha wave. In normal circumstances, human brain will produced alpha wave only during deep relaxations or sleep. While we are taking deep breaths, our brain can produce alpha wave.

Treatment Options for The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) with Herbal Remedy

Always bear in mind that the human body doesn't at all times get rid HPV on its own and in most cases; you may need treatment to prevent serious health problems.

Genital Warts
Genital warts commonly arise on the vulva, in or around the vagina or anus, or on the penis, scrotum, groin, or thigh. From the moment you are exposed to HPV, warts can appear anywhere from a few weeks to a few months and may even persist years after exposure. Genital warts are flesh-colored, pinkish, or white lump or moles that come out as small bumps or groups of bumps. They are either raised or flat, different sizes, and are often observed to form the shape of a cauliflower.

What is Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) ?

How to Prevent HPV
• Vaccine
Before their first sexual contact, it is important for young people to get vaccinated. Remember that vaccines are useless to people who are already infected with HPV. In addition, the vaccines do not defend against less ordinary HPV types. Health care providers strongly recommend regular Pap tests to detect for cancer. There are two approved Food and Drug Administration (FDA) HPV vaccines. To name are Merck's Gardasil and GlaxoSmithKline's Cervarix. Both vaccines guard against types of HPV that leads the majority of cervical cancer cases and genital warts. Gardasil is prescribed for females and males who are 9 to 26 years old. Cervarix is prescribed for females who are within 10-25 years of age. Warning: Pregnant women should not be vaccinated.
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