Monday, June 20, 2011

Effective and Simple Sleeping Techniques With Herbal Remedy

Experts Tips On Sleeping Techniques
Do abdominal breathing as it helps in relaxing the body organs. Health experts say that when a person breathe through abdomen and puts all attention to breathing, it helps relaxing the body organs. This ultimately helps in falling asleep. Undoubtedly among other synthetic based sleeping supplements, breathing abdominally is simple yet effective technique.

Meditation works for sure. Health care providers, especially those who practice holistic medicine favor meditation over the medication. According to them, meditation is few of the potential and effective techniques in modern life. Meditation is the holistic tool using which the person can get flawless sleep at nights. There are many types of meditation and what suits to you is important to know before you adopt any of them. The yoga or meditation guru can help you out choosing the best sleeping techniques here.
Sleep doctors and cognitive behavioral therapists or experts suggest that self-hypnotism treatments work as simple yet effective sleeping techniques. You can contact any such guru and learn those effective techniques.

Home Remedies Too Can Serve As Sleeping Techniques
Homemade remedies can serve as sleeping techniques and since they include kitchen and natural remedies, they are easy to adopt and do not have side and unwanted effects. Few of the effective home remedies are mentioned below…

Remedy #1:
The mixture of sesame oil and juice of bottle gourd serve as natural sedative. Apply this mixture onto the scalp (massage it thoroughly) for about 10 minutes gives benefit in problem of sleeplessness or insomnia. Some home remedy experts suggest eating cooked leaves of bottle gourd as one of the simplest yet effective sleeping techniques.

Remedy #2:
The green tea and chamomile helps in restoring the levels of neurotransmitters called as serotonin. Normal level of serotonin is mandatory in bringing normal sleep.

Remedy #3:
Honey is one of the effective remedies to treat various health ailments including sleeplessness or insomnia. Sleeping techniques include taking honey with lukewarm water during the bedtime. Take one cup of water and add one teaspoon of honey regularly for a couple of months. Regular practice of this helps in getting rid of sleeplessness.


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